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NIHR Statistics Conference 2025 - In Person

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NIHR Statistics Conference 2025 - In Person
Dates of Event
19th June 2025 – 20th June 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
3rd June 2025


The NIHR Statistics Group aims to bring together statisticians, clinicians and scientists to develop and promote best methodological practice in research in health and social care. The conference is open to new and existing members and welcomes them to be involved in the formation of future activities and provide networking opportunities to share and promote best practice. The theme for this year’s conference is ‘Bringing theory into practice – throughout health and care research ' and the talks and presentations will feature best practice in cross-disciplinary research that brings statistical expertise into health and care applications, team science practices, research inclusion, mixed methods research practices, patient and public involvement and engagement activities, collaboration with stakeholders, leadership and cultural models to enhance collaboration within new research frontiers, design and implementation of research tools and generating impact in health and care.

The conference is an ideal forum for statisticians who work in isolation and statisticians who are associated with NIHR research.  This includes researchers/trainees partly or fully funded by an NIHR grant, those involved in an NIHR infrastructure. Non-statisticians who are interested in statistics are also very welcome to attend. The conference will be held in hybrid format with bespoke technical support offered by the Multicord team that will allow us to stream all breakout sessions, keynotes and rapid-fire talks held in the Main Conference Room.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Early Bird - Friday£100.00[Read More]
Early Bird - Thursday£100.00[Read More]

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