| Hi, you are logged in as , if you are not , please click hereYou are shopping as , if this is not your email, please click hereConferences & Events Conferences and Events are listed by faculty, and then by School/Service. You can also use the search box on the left hand side of this page to help you locate a specific item.
If you have any questions about a conference/event please see the Contact tab on the event page to get in touch with the organisers. If you have a question in relation to making a booking using the online store please see the Frequently Asked Questions page.
When you are ready to book click on “book now” to proceed through the delegate booking and payment pages. For most events you are will be able to book more than one delegate at the same time. To do this click the ‘Add Delegate’ button on the booking summary page, after you have added your first delegate. When you have finished shopping, click "Proceed to Checkout" and you will be taken to our secure server to take payment and complete your order.
Once your order is complete you will receive an email sales notification with your order number (starting with UON) and your order details. If you have not received this email please contact webstorehelp@ncl.ac.uk to check the status of your order. |