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Aphasia Therapy Resources - Sentence Processing

Sentence Processing resources



Currently not available – please contact aphasia@ncl.ac.uk if interested.

This set of resources focuses on sentence processing, with particular emphasis on verb retrieval and sentence production. They are suitable for use with people with aphasia who have problems understanding and producing verbs and sentences

*If you are unable to make payment via the Webstore you should contact aphasia@ncl.ac.uk to make arrangements for payment by an alternative method*



Detailed Description

To provide the user with background and particularly with the theoretical rationale for the materials, a manual contains discussion of the main difficulties experienced by people with aphasia, the theoretical models used to interpret them and approaches to assessment and therapy that have been reported in the literature. The resources themselves are contained on 2 accompanying CD’s.

There are three sections within sentence processing. Within each section, there is a wide range of tasks.

  • Section 1: Verb comprehension and retrieval
    This section focuses on the comprehension and production of single verbs.

  • Section 2: Verb and noun comprehension and retrieval
    This section focuses on the relationship between everyday verbs and objects, with a view to improving word retrieval within sentences and connected speech.

  • Section 3: Sentence production
    This section focuses mainly on the production of sentences. It contains some comprehension activities which are designed to facilitate production. 

    Contact for further info: aphasia@ncl.ac.uk

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