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School of Natural and Environmental Sciences - Visiting Members of Staff

School of Natural and Environmental Sciences - Visiting Members of Staff

Amount (£)


Bench fee for visiting/guest member of staff.


Detailed Description

Full fees will be applied to anyone using any on-site facilities, either on a temporary or full time basis and will be applied for the full period of their visiting status, frequency of use is not a mitigating factor for waivers or the use of partial fees. Fees are set across the Faculty at £3,600 per year (+VAT), prorata rate is £300 per calendar month (+VAT).

Partial fees will be applied to anyone accessing online facilities and services only, either on a temporary or full time. The frequency of use is not a mitigating factor for fee waivers. Fees are set across the School at £1200 per annum (+VAT), pro rata rate is £100 per calendar month (+VAT).

SNES Operating Policy - Visiting Members of Academic Staff

Only to be purchased after agreement has been sought.
To cover additional costs (e.g. computer, space, library access etc.)

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